Saturday, June 29, 2019

$1.1 Million in gold stolen from house near Belleville

Who says that you have to travel to an exotic location to pull off a major heist?  According to the Ottawa Citizen $1.1 million in gold was stolen from a house in eastern Ontario.

About $1.1 million in gold bars and coins and a further $4,000 in American currency were stolen, apparently in April, from a home in Cramahe Township. The rural municipality is between Brighton and Colborne.
“It’s kind of a bizarre situation,” said Northumberland OPP Const. Kimberly Johnston. “This type of theft is not something we come across every day.”

Monday, March 4, 2019

Vjeran Tomic, French catburglar

The Atlantic has a long article about Vjeran Tomic a French art thief.
Tomic generally worked alone, scaling walls, leaping between rooftops, and picking locks. Once inside an apartment, he looked first for jewelry, because it was valuable and easy to sell. A burglary that took less than two hours often yielded enough cash to support him for six months on the French Riviera. In his letters, he recounted robbing various Parisian luminaries, including the French-Caribbean singer Henri Salvador and the Egyptian royal family. 

Friday, February 22, 2019

Armoured car attacked by diggers

Boing Boing has a post - mostly a series of tweets with pictures - about an armoured car in Italy that was stopped by thieves and then ripped open with two diggers.  They got away with over 2 million Euros.